The Six Biggest Mistakes Churches Make with Millennials

We've all been there.  We've all looked into the Millennial generation and thought "how on earth am I supposed to work with them?"  We've read the blog posts that say "they are the lost generation" or "the rise of the nones."  As a result we've often resorted to the "let's see if this works" method of ministry strategy.  Obviously, this isn't much of a strategy at all but more of a hope and a prayer.  It's more of a half-court heave at the buzzer than it is a plan for success.  More often than not, it's also a mistake.  Maybe you've made some of these hopeful buzzer-beating attempts at winning the "ministry with millennials" game.  Maybe you've thought...

... I know exactly what young adults need because when I was their age...
... Maybe if we just get some better, hipper music on Sunday mornings.
... Maybe we'll just add "young adults" to the job of the youth pastor.
... If we just create a program for young adults, we'll have some success.
... we need young adults to apprentice the leaders of the church.
or the increasingly popular
... There's no way we can ever reach them.  Maybe they'll come back when they have children of their own.

In fact, I'll bet that there's a good chance you've done or thought some or all of the above.  While a few churches have seemingly found success using one of these tactics, they are almost always a mistake to start thinking about how to reach young adults.

We've found there are better and more successful ways to think about ministry with young adults and college students.

This simple blog hosts 5 other posts that begin to unpack a more sustainable way of reaching millennials today from our forthcoming book.  Read on and feel free to comment on your thoughts!