Building Blocks of Millennial Ministry

It was almost midnight in New York City, and the clock was about to tick us into 2011 for the very first time. It was 25 degrees outside and crowds of people were huddled expectantly together creating warmth.  But I wasn’t in Time’s Square watching the ball drop, I was in Central Park, and I was in shorts and a t-shirt.

I had flown out to the Big Apple to visit a friend and heard about this big 4-mile race they run every year in Central Park on New Years Eve.  The clock strikes 12, and the gun goes off.  There were bands playing, crowds cheering, and champagne at the mile markers.  I know it’s the city that never sleeps, but no one living on the Upper West Side was even given a chance that night.

The most fascinating thing about the whole experience was the sheer volume of people there.  There were 5,000 people in this race and 5,000 more in the park just for the party.  Not to mention those who were cheering us on.  On New Years Eve.  In New York City.  I just wanted to ask everyone, “you know there’s this really big party right next-door, right?”  My thought was, “apparently everything that happens in New York just draws a big crowd.”

That’s a tempting thing to want to say about our churches and our ministries as well.  At the end of the day, if we could just start drawing some bigger crowds, everything would be better.  We work hard to design events and programs around the goal of drawing a bigger crowd than we had last time.  When we go around the country and look for churches that are succeeding with Millennials, we look for the biggest crowds of young adults and ask how they got them there in the first place and try to develop a vision to do the same.

But drawing a big crowd isn’t a vision; it’s a tactic.  It’s the way we want to accomplish something.  It’s an answer to “how are we going to get this done.”  Unfortunately, when it comes to working with Millennials, most churches are focused on their tactics without thinking at all about their vision for young adults.

In fact, not many churches have thought through a vision for helping 18-30 year olds engage with the leadership and creation of the church for the long-term future.  If we start with that as our vision, it helps us define our strategy and then our tactics.

Let’s look at some foundational strategies in this chapter that can become the building blocks for effective ministry with Millennials. You can deploy them in college programs, you can deploy them singles small groups, and you can deploy them in Millennial worship settings.  If our goal is to engage this group in the life of the church, these building blocks will give us a way forward into this unique generation, no matter what tactics we use.

Okay, so here’s the deal about Jesus.  He chose twelve.  Twelve people to start, to focus, to finish his ministry with.  God himself clothed himself in flesh, came to the human race and affected fundamental change in the universe for thousands of years and he did it by choosing twelve people.

Of course there’s more to the ministry of Christ and the work of the Cross.  He taught thousands, he performed miracles, he drew crowds, he created a subversive movement of love in the time of the Roman Empire – but every step of the way, he walked with the  twelve people he chose.

One small group of young men was his massive piece strategy to change the world.  Whenever he performed a miracle, they were there and they were expected to learn how to do it themselves.  Whenever he taught a sermon on a hillside, they were there and expected to teach it themselves someday.  Whenever he loved someone on the fringes, they were there, being prepared to speak up to the church in Jerusalem and make a way for the outsiders to come into the faith.  Jesus put all his chips on twelve.  But it wasn’t a gamble, it was leadership development.  It was discipleship.

If we are unwilling or somehow unable to make this strategy the center point not only of our ministry with young adults but with the church as a whole, we might as well pack up and wait for this generation to close all its churches.

This must be a foundational strategy in our work with millennials, in particular.  This isn’t 18-30 year olds from generation X – young adults who didn’t trust anyone over thirty or who rebelled against authority and sought to take over the world by sheer force of will.  This generation of young adults is very interested in engaging the wisdom and guidance of the generations that came before them.  They are looking for mentors, for guides and for people who can help them get farther, faster in life. 

In a recent survey of college students, they were asked to name the most important factor in choosing a church during their college years.  While they talked about finding a place that was relevant to younger people or was close to campus, they also talked about the desire for relationships with older generations.  One sophomore said, “I’m looking for a place that has people I can learn from.  I don’t want to spend my college years hanging out only with college students.  I’m looking for men and woman who can share wisdom with me.” 

This strategy is slower and more difficult than creating a crowd-drawing event.  Certainly Christ drew crowds, but first he chose twelve.  If your church is interested in developing a ministry to the Millennial generation, perhaps the best decision they can make is to not develop a program, a pizza party, or a concert but, instead, develop a small group of people. 

Find 5 or 6 college students or 20-somethings that your church can pour into over the next few years.  Teach them how to feed themselves in their spiritual growth.  Teach them how to deal with conflict and set healthy boundaries in relationships.  Teach them how to handle their finances in a godly way.  Teach them how to give.  Teach them how to talk with their friends about Christ.  Teach them how to invite people to church.  Teach them how to go and make disciples of all nations.  Teach them how to multiply their group into 5 new groups.  Teach them to obey everything He has commanded.

If you want to know how to start a ministry with Millennials, start with developing leaders and with discipleship.

He picked twelve.  No matter what was going to happen in His ministry, big or small, He picked twelve to experience it all together.  People were his method.  When He left the earth He had to leave the ministry in the hands of someone.  He had to build INTO people his methods, his tactics, his value and his power.  The way he chose to do that needs to be a key strategy in how we build our ministry with young adults

It’s something that gets talked about in churches all the time.  “We choose people over programs” is an axiom I’ve heard a lot.  I suspect we often use it as a platitude to make ourselves feel good about the ministry programs we are running. 

It’s become so commonplace that the idea of choosing relationships over programs might have lost much of its actionable meaning in our ministry context.  Sometimes it feels to me the same way it feels to walk into a suburban, middle-class home and see the stencil, the frame or the woodcutting hanging on the wall that says “Live. Laugh. Love.”  I’m not sure what that really means, or what that family is doing about it, but it looks really pretty on their wall with photos of their children next to it.  “People over programs” can easily feel like little more than decoration in our ministry homes.

But let’s take “people over programs” off the decorative shelf for a moment and really look at the idea of relationships as a key strategy to reaching the millennials.

Brad Holmes, the director of Union, the 18-29 ministry for Ada Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI, knows why Millennials are coming to churches.

“They [millennials] have unprecedented access to fantastic biblical teaching and amazing worship music.  That is not the reason they are coming to our churches anymore.  They can get that anywhere they want.  They are coming for community, they are coming for guidance.  They are coming for something they can’t get as an app on their mobile device or on their laptop. They are coming for connection.”

Think about the implications of that truth for a moment.  In some ways, the shift towards relationships as a strategy seems subtle but it’s really seismic.  It’s the difference between creating a young adult program that has relational impact as an outcome, and a program that is specifically designed to build relationships throughout.

In Brad’s ministry at Ada Bible Church, they have made relationships a major reason why their program exists.  As people come in to their Tuesday night meetings, they find themselves sitting around tables instead of rows.  They don’t experience teaching as much as they experience conversation.  A deal for half off appetizers at a local restaurant following the program is as much a part of the ministry as anything else.

When I asked Brad about the turnover ratio in his ministry, I assumed that there was probably a percentage of people who come and go and never really interact with anyone on a given night – typical of many church services or programs.

But when he paused and looked at me with puzzlement, I knew that he was operating with “relationships” as a key strategy. “I think it would be a complete failure if we designed a night where any one person didn’t talk to someone else at all” was his response.

The language of relationships was just second nature to him and his staff. It was unthinkable to create something that didn’t drive at that value throughout its execution.

Christ used this strategy as well.  Relationships were not just a byproduct of the ministry he was doing with large crowds.  He wasn’t hoping that while he was teaching the Sermon on the Mount, some people might become friends because he always started his message 15 minutes after the published start time or because he let them stay as long as they wanted after the loaves and fish were distributed.

He took time to laugh with people who wanted to party, to cry with those who were mourning.  He took the time to lift up little children and talk with old ladies.

Luke 8
Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him. Then a man named Jairus, a synagogue leader, came and fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading with him to come to his house because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying.

As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.

“Who touched me?” Jesus asked.

When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.”

But Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.”

Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

As he was on his way – while he was already engaged in a task – Jesus stopped and made a relational connection with someone who needed help.  Jesus knew that his ministry was not just about the miracles he could perform, but about the people he could impact.

Greg Mutch, one of the staff members at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, MI responsible for ministry with young adults talks about it this way, “One of the things that they are most craving is part of a person, not part of a program”

Millennials are looking for places that offer them meaningful connections.  It’s high on their priority list.  In fact, graduation from college can be the loneliest time in a person’s life, a time when all your built in social circles have been removed and you are stepping into the next stage of life in new and significant ways and often alone.

When Millennials are coming into our circles, into our ministries and into our churches, they aren’t looking for friendship.  They are looking for friends.  If we want to succeed in giving them greater connection to the local church, one of our primary strategies has to be about creating and sustaining a significant relational culture.

Let’s give some language to a key value the Millennial generation has been struggling to find in churches over the last 10 years.  It’s the value of authenticity.

Authenticity is not something we avoid in our churches on purpose, but it isn’t something we cultivate in many of our churches on purpose either.  And the lack of authenticity is as close to a deal-breaker as you’ll find with the Millennial generation.

One of the reasons our churches struggle with this because we are trying very hard to give glory to God in as many ways as we can.  But the struggle is that most of us don’t live glory-filled lives.  Most of us live lives of everyday problems down here in the dirt and there is a long distance between the glory and the dirt.

In many of our churches, if you were to walk in to our main, identity-setting environment – our Sunday morning worship service – you’ll find a lot more of the glory than you will of the dirt.  To the Millennial generation, this speaks to them that they don’t belong there.

Back in the early days of social networking, just as Facebook was taking shape and Twitter was just a gleam in MySpace’s eye, parents were strongly cautioned against allowing their teenagers develop an “online persona” that was a mask for who they really were. 

What’s interesting about that warning is that the real-life experience of social networking can have the opposite effect; young people can more true to themselves online than in front of others.  They can easily view it as a place to be their real selves. The average 18-30 year old is exactly who they are in all aspects of their life.  They are looking for a place in our churches where that standard holds true as well.  The standard of Authenticity is something they filter all their experiences through and that is held up in whatever they are involved in, for themselves and those who are running the show.

My church had a fantastic Easter Sunday service a few years ago.  Thousands of people were in attendance.  A stage packed full of string sections, horn sections, soaring stage décor, choir anthem music.  It was the epitome of ascribing glory to a risen savior.  It was, by design, awe-inspiring and pretty awesome.

I happened to bring a 24-year-old friend with me that day that was disillusioned by the whole experience.  He said to me “I really wanted to interact with my savior today – not watch a show about him on stage.”

You see, for most of our churches, Sunday morning is a pretty big deal.  It’s high impact.  It’s high value.  We spend our money to buy a building, pay a preacher and put on a worship service that will reach people.  In most churches there is a lot time spent trying to figure out a way to do the best we possibly can with the worship service. 

While many Millennials might throw around words like “polished,” or “traditional,” or “high production value” for a lot of worship experiences, what they really mean is that “when you are trying so hard to be at your best, it tells me it’s not okay for me to NOT be at my best.”

Hear me on this, it’s not just about creating some sort of “participatory worship experience” in your churches or catering services only for Millennials, it’s about using a strategy of authenticity throughout your ministry that allows the glory to mean something in the dirt and people can bring their whole selves into the door of your fellowship. 

For Millennials, authenticy is an element that’s evident not just in what values your church holds but how they hold them. They are keen observers on wheather the church’s talk matches their walk.  If your church holds a value for the unchurched, but nothing in the worship service feels accessible to an unchurched person, they will sense it as inauthentic. 

Use whatever tactics you can to create that value.  If that means you preach with jeans on, then do that.  If that means telling real life stories of life change, then do that.  If it means creating conversation groups, or potlucks after church, then do that. 

There’s no wrong tactic for pursuing authenticity except not being intentional at all about it.  Without it, you might find the millennial generation unreachable.

Closely tied to the value of authenticity is another foundational building block to working with Millennials – creating space for depth.  One of the unique effects our churches are experiencing with young adults is a reaction to the seeker sensitive and mega-church models of the past 20 years in the sense that one of the aspects that grew churches in the past are viewed negatively though the lens of Millenials.

Throughout the late ‘90s and early 2000s churches were jumping on mega church bandwagons left and right, and for good reason – it was working.  Churches like Saddleback Valley Church and Willow Creek Community Church were forging a new way forward with “seeker sensitive” services aimed at reaching the outsider.

Following the success of these movements, a word that began to fly about, usually placed inside of a dismissive comment about the “success” of large churches.  It was the word, “shallow.”  It’s easy to call such crowd-drawing techniques “shallow,” especially when your church does not have the capacity to reach such large numbers, but seeker sensitive was by no means meant to create a shallow end of the pool – it was meant to draw people to God.

In years since, however, many young people have grown to look upon the spiritual depth, or relative lack thereof, in churches as a sticking point to their decision to connect.  Millennials are seeking truth and they believe that the truth is deep and impactful.  When Millennials walk into a worship service and they hear teaching that skates along the surface of impact and transformation, they will want to leave.

You see, Millennials operate in a cultural paradigm where everyone is searching for truth and meaning in life and while many aren’t finding it in religion, they are finding it in spirituality.  They have no qualms about accepting whatever your particular version of truth is, so long as it’s real to you and in order to be real it needs to be deeply impactful.

This is one of the reasons why new churches are reaching Millennials in new ways.  When it comes to church multiplication and church planting, peoples’ lives are being deeply transformed by the gospel in visible and obvious ways on a regular basis.  When a Millennial sees such a new movement of depth and life change show up in their community, they are instinctively attracted to it.

Authenticity and depth go hand in hand with each other because, to a Millennial, if it’s real, it will deeply affect you.  If you’re not deeply affected, it must not be real.

I preached a sermon recently about calling ourselves to identify what really satisfies us in our culture – rather than physical or financial satisfaction there is a deep need for spiritual satisfaction in our lives.  I happen to use the example of my first years of marriage where my wife and I were flush with cash from our full-time jobs, low rent and no children.  During that message I began to add up all that we had spent over those years on car payments, credit card payments and other things that left us completely unaffected after the fact.

Upon doing the math, I had to admit we spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $130,000 over five years on nothing of lasting value.  Ouch.

Afterwards I had someone come up to me and talk about what an impact that example had on him.  “For me and the middle class community I live in, We never talk about finances with that level of transparency and challenge – we’re afraid of being that honest.” 

Our culture today is not shying away from depth or from spiritual truth.  Most of the non-Christians I know are some of the most deeply spiritual people I’ve met.  They are searching, they are confused and they are interested in having the conversation.  It surprises them to find out many of our churches aren’t interested in the same level of dialogue about spiruality and the real world and they are given rhetoric or platitudes in response to their probing questions.

As someone who consults with churches all over the country, I fly a lot.  On a recent flight, I noticed the dropdown TVs were playing an extended commercial for the Hard Rock Café.  The unique thing about this commercial was not that it was clearly targeted at a Millennial generation with not one person looking older than 25 in the 5-minute spot.  But what really struck me was that the subject matter was “Hard Rock Cares” and the ONLY topic of this commercial was all the good the Hard Rock Café was doing in the world.  This was not simply about reducing, reusing & recycling but about digging wells in Africa, adopting orphans from south America, rescuing polar bears in the Arctic – things like that.

Later that same week I sat in the movie theater well before the show started.  I’m one of those movie-goers that HAS to see the previews, so I get to the theater as early as I can.  So as I was eating my popcorn alone in the theater, a Pepsi commercial came on.  It was showing about 30 different people and the positive impact they were making in the world.  Again, not a single person over 25.  The tagline:  “every generation refreshes the world.”

The “it gets better” campaign is a viral video phenomenon targeted at young people struggling with homosexuality designed entirely around providing hope and change when things seem the hardest.

The message of the Millennial generation is loud and clear:  We want to make a deep, long-lasting and positive impact in this world.

And they will.  Whether or not the church helps them in the project.

In fact, for many of us, the “world” is outpacing the church in the good it does on this planet.  Young people want meaningful change to take place, but the church is offering pizza and “the amazing race” style outing for young adults.  Equipping Millennials to enact change in the world not just for good but for the gospel has got to be a key strategy we employ in reaching the next generation.

I recently had a lunch meeting with a 23-year old named Gabe.  Gabe grew up in the same suburb as I did.  He grew up in an upper middle class family, went through Christian education and was deeply involved in his local church.  Gabe was a church kid.  Gabe was a typical kid.  There was nothing exceptionally unique about him as a teenager.  No great tragedies. No great triumphs. He was tall.  He was well liked.  He argued with his parents. He had a path to a local private college lined up for him after graduation.

But a few years into that experience, Gabe made a unique decision to leave college and go to film school.  He found his voice as an artist and a love for the film industry.  This pathway has led Gabe to create his own film company as a way to express art, to tell stories, but above all, to change the world.

Here’s a guy that believes the world could be a better place, not if we just made more Christian movies, but if we had more Christians making movies.

As Gabe and I ate lunch together he said to me, “I’m at this point in my life where I’m excited about the film company I run and the projects I get to work on, but I really want to know how my business makes a real impact in this world for good.”

It’s people like Gabe, it’s this generation of young adults who should make the job of the church like tee ball.  Just swing away with these Millennials and you’ll be crushing it out of the park. 

It’s because of people like Gabe that our churches’ ministry with the next generation simply cannot succeed unless we are finding ways to help them put their faith into action in creative and impactful ways. 

I’m currently the pastor of a young church with a young congregation of about 120 on a good week.  One of my favorite parts of leading this church is the privilege I have to lead our Leadership Team.  There are 6 of us on this team right now and 5 of them are between the ages of 25 and 35.  I love that!  I love it not just because of what it says about church leadership but because of what it means for church leadership.

It means that my leadership team doesn’t have the slightest clue as to what we are doing.

They’ve never done this before.  Some of them didn’t grow up in a church; the rest grew up in churches that look nothing like ours.  Everything we do is about trial and error and trying hard to follow where God is leading us.

I wish I could draw you a picture of what this experience of leading a church together has done for these Millennials – it’s changed their lives.  It’s given them a reason to care about the church and a reason to care about the church making an impact not only in their own lives or in the rest of the world, but in the lives of people just like them.  This is a group of people who are intoxicated with the idea that the church might do for someone else what it’s done for them.  Seriously, they won’t shut up about it.

I think the key strategy for me in this experience is that Millennials need meaningful contributions to make to the life and leadership of the church.  While our first response to reaching this generation might be to create a program or a service or some sort of niche in the church’s ministry to reach them, we’ll never fully succeed unless we engage them at higher levels.

A friend of mine was recently talking about working in a large, multi-site church and sitting around in an elders meeting while the pastor asked each elder to describe when he was “sold out” to this church.  To a man, each of them talked about an experience in their 20s that pulled them into a key ministry area of the church in a major way and they haven’t let go since.

A group of men in their 40s, 50s, and 60s leading a church because someone gave them a experience to lead in the church when they were in their 20s.  Millennials today need that same opportunity.

We need to provide them places of community with people like themselves.  We need to provide them opportunities to be mentored and coached.  We need to provide them spaces to serve and impact the world for good and we need to create relational environments where they are allowed to be exactly who they are.

Above all, we need provide them with MEANINGFUL contributions to the church.  If we put them in a ghetto we will never help them achieve maturity.  Use this as a strategy to find tactical ways of engaging them at the highest levels of decision-making.

Maybe that doesn’t mean having a church council of 20-year olds.  But it might mean that all of your elders should be discipling a 20-year old or that your pastor should be part of a small group with Millennials.  There are a million different tactics you can use to engage Millennials at the highest levels of your church but it won’t happen at all unless it becomes a key strategy in reaching into the next generation.

There aren’t very many wrong ways to instill these six building blocks into your church.  They are foundational principles that can take shape through hundreds of different strategies and tactics.  Where we might end up going wrong is to simply fail to address them at all.  Before you launch into your first “college and career” ministry, or before you hire your first Millennial pastor, be proactive in engaging the leadership of your church in conversation around these six building blocks.

Sustainability Factors (that you CAN'T measure, but can plan for)

My children are huge fans of “Dad’s Dinner Night” which is essentially what they call any night mom is gone and dad is in charge of dinner.  There is a fine craftsmanship to whatever creation dad is making for dinner.  It involves some precision choices of ingredients, flavors and just the right timing and by the time it’s on the table there is just a simple artwork of creating the exact right dinner experience for myself and the kids.

The exact recipe for dinner really comes down to some key decisions:
Wendy’s? McDonald’s? Pizza? Or whatever mom left us?

You can’t lose with your kids with those choices but it all comes down to one foundational truth:  I hate to cook food.

My wife loves it.  She’ll watch the Food Network all day long, Google recipes and try culinary experiments.  We have a married couple that we are friends with who cook together as a romantic pastime.  I do not like these people.  You should not like these people.  They set an unrealistic expectation for myself as a husband.  For every husband really.

But boy, they do make some fantastic food.

Recipes are extremely important when it comes to cooking, however if you’re really going after something more than just the basics, if you’re seeking some actual “culinary design” there is more than just a science to it, there’s an art form. 

People who know this art form are either people who have been cooking for decades or people who are just naturally gifted with food creations.  My grandma was one of these people.  She memorized the recipe for her favorite dishes years ago, and has since added, subtracted and experimented with the dish until it became perfect.

There is something about creating ministry with Millennials that is as much an art form as it is a science.  I like to use the word “Alchemy.”  There are just pieces of the young adult recipe that you can’t necessarily prescribe, but you know need to be represented in the creation somehow.  For those creating this ministry recipe, these are factors that greatly increase the sustainability and success of the ministry, but they are often very difficult to measure.  It’s simple to create a ratio of dollars and cents or staff people to attenders, but finding ways to measure the goodwill and buy-in of the church’s leadership, or right mix of people involved – that’s a different story altogether.

Sometimes it’s by design.  Sometimes it’s intuition.  Sometime’s it’s just the Holy Spirit bringing to the mixture exactly what is needed.  My encouragement to you would be to find some way to account for each of these following factors in your ministry on purpose, whether you can measure them or not.  You’ll find the exact amount and measurement for each might be hard to measure or prescribe, but the discipline of seeking out these factors will help your ministry soup become much more satisfying.

Achieving buy-in from the leadership
In a conversation with one young adults pastor, he recounted the story of a previous position at another church:

“The church had decided they wanted a college program to reach out to the students in the area.  The congregation wanted a college program.  The elders wanted a college program.  The staff wanted a college program.  But in the end it was a lot of rhetoric and when we restructured our ministry 18 months later, they eliminated my position.  No one really thought about this as a real investment that needed a 5 year plan.”

Look, no one is going to say to you, “I don’t think we need to reach young adults and college students – they’ll probably figure it out on their own.”  That would be a stupid thing to say.  Everyone knows it is a need.  Almost every church will agree to the value of passing the baton into the next generation.  The spoken value for this ministry is through the roof. 

But actual support, investment and buy-in can be more difficult to secure.  When the rubber meets the road, will ministry to this demographic take priority over other ministries in your church?  Seek hard to find out some of those answers before building anything and find strategic ways to increase the value of this ministry throughout the organization.

Leading With A Team
Teamwork makes the dream work.  If your dream is to reach young adults and college students, find ways to make this a team effort.  Many efforts in developing young adult ministries fall apart before they ever get off the ground because they are being envisioned, implemented and worked out by a single person.  Ministry is lonely.  Reaching into a generation that is mostly uninterested in connecting with your church is hard.  Allowing yourself to go it alone will only lead to burnout & failure.  Here’s a clear warning label:  Do NOT attempt this on your own!

Create benchmarks around team development.  When starting this ministry make your first marker about getting 5 other people on board with helping you launch this ministry.  If you’ve been up and running for a while, find ways to bolster a leadership team, assign them meaningful work and develop a strategy for coaching and equipping them.  There are all kinds of ways to make this work in your ministry but the “team” ingredient needs to find it’s way into the mix.  It’s a non-negotiable.

Paying the Rent
This is a value we talk about all the time with Ministry Architects.  There are wrong ways and right ways to implement changes in our churches.  Wrong ways involve telling people who have been invested in something for a long time that what they have valued for a long time is no longer valuable.  Wrong ways include creating new ministries without regard for the impact they might have on existing ministries.  Right ways of implementing changes are helping people connect with and buy-in to a vision of new ministry and building it with you.  They include helping other people care about the value for this ministry as much as you do.  Right ways of introducing change also might just include doing some things YOU don’t personally like or find value in, so that you don’t use up all the goodwill you might have with the congregation.

When you live in an apartment and you pay your rent to the landlord every month, you might just find yourself in a great relationship with that landlord.  He might even be willing to let you choose some of your own paint colors, or keep that cat in the apartment as long as it stays inside.  Go ahead and try to ask for special favors with the landlord when the rent is three months behind.  It ain’t happening.

There are things in our churches that people value and often the introduction of NEW values can be threatening to the OLD values.  If you are seeking to raise a new value of reaching into the Millennial generation in significant ways, be sure to “pay the rent” with the congregation wherever you can. 

There’s no great way to measure this.  I’ve always hoped for a “the congregation’s happiness with and confidence in Scott” meter could be installed in my church.  When the needle tipped far enough to the right, I knew I had some credit to build in some new values and try out some ministry experiments.  But if it tipped far enough to the left, I knew I needed more time before introducing change.

As far as I know, this meter doesn’t exist – though I hope to see it in a Sky Mall catalog soon.  Until then, pay attention to this factor in your ministry.

Designing Influence
We’ve talked a lot about giving Millennials access to the life and leadership of the church in previous chapters.  This is key to the foundational strategy of why and how we seek out ministry with young adults in the first place.  They want to make meaningful contributions to the world and to the church.  They desire and need connections to coaches, cheerleaders and mentors.  There is no wrong or right way to provide the context for giving young adults influence in your church. 

One key strategy is to find real leaders in the young adult population.  People who have influence among their peers or people who are looking forward to building something significant with their life.  Find these people and ask their input on leadership decisions in the church, on anything and everything from the color of the paint in the gym, to the theme of next year’s Christmas pageant.  Leaders want influence.  They want to feel like their opinion matters, that someone has taken what they had to say seriously.  If you engage the younger leaders in your congregation intentionally, you’ll not only engage them in the church, but the decisions you make will suddenly have relevance to the next generation. 

Senior pastors would be wise to seek regular and significant input from 18-30 year olds in their congregation.  Have them critique the Sunday morning sermon.  Ask them to select some worship music.  Invite them to join a potluck and sit at the pastor’s table. Sprinkling a dash of intentional influence into the Millennials of your church will go a long way in your recipe of success.

The Right People
Of all the factors to build your ministry with, finding “the right people” is the most controversial.  As Christians building ministry reaching out to people, it seems unintuitive to say, “Keep some people out but let some people in” when you are building your ministry.  But let me warn you, if you start a ministry with the wrong people, it will be doomed to failure. 

Those of us who have worked in a church for a significant period of time will recognize what it feels like to work with E.G.R.’s.  These are the people in our ministry that are “Extra Grace Required” type people.  I know exactly what these people are like – I was one of them growing up. 

People in our ministries who need a little extra grace are typically not very influential with their peers.  They are people who are looking for connections and for friendship.  They are the students in our youth ministries that text us every day.  They are the people who will sit at coffee with us for an hour in conversation before they ask us what’s going on in our world.  They are people who are looking to consume the ministry we are providing rather than help contribute to it.

There’s nothing wrong with these people.  I love these people.  However they are not the people that will strategically help us build our ministry to Millennials.  If you’re starting your young adult ministry by a small gathering of “whatever college students are hanging around on a Sunday night,” chances are you’ll be finding the students that are struggling to find a social connection point and don’t have many active friendship in their life.  Because if they did, they wouldn’t be available to hang out with YOU on short notice.

The right people to build new ministry like this are people who have lots of friends.  They are people who have busy schedules.  They are people who are outgoing, extroverted and would rather throw a party than set up chairs at your next event. 

They are also people who have relationships with other Millennials who are disconnected.  Include people in your early stages of leadership that have no involvement in a church whatsoever.  These people have friends just like them.  Find people who have left the church.  Find people who’ve never been inside of a church.  Nothing will limit your ministry with Millennials more than building a team of people who already know each other and the church very well but haven’t built any relationships outside of that group.

I have one of these people on my team right now.  When I started building ministry towards college students, Chelsea got connected to me through another student I was working with through a simple “Hey, my friend, Chelsea wants to get involved in something.”  I met Chelsea and I knew right away that she was the exact type of person you want starting new ministries, planting churches or reaching new people.

Chelsea has a hard time walking to class on campus.  Often she ends up 20 or 30 minutes late for class because every third person she passes has a relationship with her somehow.  She’s been an RA in the dorms for the past two years – her superiors love her and recommend her to underclassmen when they need someone to talk to.  She’s hard working, a great listener and loves people.  She was the university’s homecoming queen this year, no small feat for a self-proclaimed “high school nerd.”

All of those qualities about Chelsea translated into one truth for me when I got to know her; When Chelsea loves something, everyone around her knows about it and is invited to it.  I made it my goal to make sure that Chelsea loved anything I was working on and it wasn’t because Chelsea was popular, it was because she was influential.

Christ himself even used this model in John 4 when he found himself in conversation with an unpopular but influential woman at a well.  After their encounter about living water, the woman let everyone in town know about it:

Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers.
They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”

Building ministry teams filled with influential “well women” is a key factor in reaching Millennials.  Find ways to craft your teams with purpose and intention around getting the right people on board.

Consistency and Innovation
One of the marvels of the Millennial generation is their interaction with mobile technology.  As the world counted down to the year 2000, the turnover ratio on technology began to skyrocket and today nothing is more evident of this than whatever cell phone is in someone’s hand right now.  The minute a cell phone, a tablet, an iPod is released plans for the next upgrades are already underway.

Millennials not only embrace, but also expect constant innovation in the world around them.

I was leading a small group Bible study with a group of 18, 19 & 20 year-olds and we were discussing Gordon McDonnell’s book, “Who Stole My Church?”  The conversation was revolving around what it’s like for their parents’ and grandparents’ generations to struggle with allowing for changing trends in the churches they lead. 

Then my friend, Stephanie, made a very profound comment, “I wonder if we will struggle with that at all when we are their age.  I mean everything about our lives is changing all the time.  I think I would get bored if things stopped changing in my church.”

Stephanie is growing up in a culture of rapid innovation.  She expects her life will always be surround with new and improved and improving opportunities and that her church would reflect that value.

Now that doesn’t mean making change for the sake of change in our ministries, but it does mean that we should develop a comfort level with beta testing, experiments and failed efforts.

The more we involve teams of the right people, the more we’ll have access to new ministry ideas and opportunities.  It’s important to allow our ministry with Millennials to continue to experiment and try new ideas on a regular basis.  If you were to develop a young adult program in your church and it looked exactly the same four years later, there’s a great chance you’ll have no young adults as a part of it.  While it isn’t unusual to lock in a programmatic model for years at a time in youth ministries, children’s ministries, Sunday school or other areas of the church, ministry with Millennials thrives on innovation and experimentation.

Be careful, however to forgo any level of consistency with your Millennial ministry.  There are college and young adult ministries across the country that experimented their way into a downward spiral because they failed to include any consistency in their ministry.

It’s one thing to change the look, the style or the purpose of your Tuesday night gatherings, but the fact that you still meet every Tuesday night gives a backbone to the ability to build a relational culture in your ministry.  Often, we are quick to give up on a young adult ministry or program because it seems like the style of what we offer isn’t working.  The reality is that there might be a problem with some of the underlying, sustainable factors that is keeping the ministry from thriving.

We must find ways to be consistently inconsistent.  To constantly experiment yet remain constant in our foundations of ministry with Millennials.

Let it simmer
Great cooks know that genius takes time and that’s true with Millennial ministry as well.
Friedrich Nietzsche is quoted as saying, “The essential thing ‘in heaven and earth’ is… that there should be long obedience in the same direction; there thereby results, and has always resulted in the long run, something which has made life worth living.”

Eugene Peterson even used this quote as the title of one of his books and this axiom holds true with develop ministry for and with the Millennial generation.  Sometimes it just takes a long obedience in the same direction in order to find success or traction with young adults.  We need to find ways to allow the ministry to simmer, to realize that next year we might not see the results we are hoping for when we start this year.  We need to realize that all our experimentation will cause us a lot of failed attempts.  We’ll learn “1,000 different ways NOT to make a light bulb” as Edison says.

If we are driving the bus for our church to catch the vision for ministry to Millennials, prepare them for a long drive.  This is a family-vacation-to-the-Grand-Canyon-in-a-mini-van type of ministry development.  Encourage your church leadership to join you in this journey for a long time.  Think about the 5-year investment in creating something that will begin impacting the next generation.  Let it simmer.

I want to encourage your work as an artist of Millennial ministry.  There is no silver bullet to this work.  There certainly are some sustainability factors and building blocks that must help create the foundation and strategic approach to what you are doing – but there are no guarantees.

There is faithfulness, however, and that is the most key ingredient to engaging this work.  Be faithful in your pursuit of young adults; be willing to engage the work of ministry with factors you can measure and factors you can’t measure.

Sustainability Factors (That you CAN measure)

One of the most important factors in succeeding with young adults is to do so with purpose. There are lots of ways to succeed on accident, but that’s not helpful in creating a movement into the next generation.  Churches that approach Millennials with the vision that it’s one of the most important things they can do are churches that find more success.

A typical approach to creating a ministry to young adults or college students often begins with someone suggesting, “why don’t we just order some pizza and announce in the church bulletin that any young adult interested in helping figure this out is welcome to come for lunch after worship.”  That doesn’t feel very purposeful.

The problem of intentionality is often the first hurdle churches need to overcome.  Quality ministry to the next generation isn’t built overnight and it’s road is lined with wrong turns and dead ends, but unless we challenge ourselves to think about how we are structuring and resourcing it on purpose, our young adult ministry will meet once every 6 months, after worship for pizza.  I think we all want more out of this.

We don’t succeed by shooting our arrows and then drawing a target around it.  We clearly identify what we are going after and draw our tactics towards the goals.  In my work with Ministry Architects, we do this by thinking in terms of “rules of thumb” when it comes to creating sustainability in children’s or youth ministry.

Things like:
o   How much money are we spending, per kid, in our youth ministry?
o   How many staff members are we deploying for this group?
o   How many volunteers are we deploying on a weekly basis?
o   How big is the worshipping size of our church?

All of these factors not only help us prescribe sustainability, but they also help us describe expectations in a healthy way.  When we know what we are aiming at and draw achievable goals, everyone succeeds.

Working with college students and young adults need the same sort of systematic and realistic approach to ensure measurable success.  In our work with churches and ministries around the country we’ve found a few “rules of thumb” that help us develop a sustainable ministry that will last into the future as well as one major consideration in defining the trajectory of ministry with Millennials.

When we examine youth ministry we found a fairly constant factor of $1,000-$1,500 per kid per week was a pretty good basis for understanding the size of a healthy youth ministry.  When it comes to working with college students and young adults, the finances get a little fuzzier.  There is a good working average of about $750-$1,000 per young person across many churches but that number can be augmented vastly depending on how it is spent.  Most churches spend that budget in staffing, which we’ll discuss later.  Because this demographic is so focused on relationships, there most often isn’t a need to create a budget with high amounts of program dollars.  However, the more you invest in the right people, even if those people don’t cost very much, the farther your dollars will go in creating impact with young adults.

Finances aren’t as hard-and-fast a rule as some of the other sustainability factors but there is one key piece to budgeting around this ministry – if you spend it, they will come.  If you are focused on seeing improved impact with Millennials, the more you spend money on that task, the more reach you’ll find yourself having. 

We are especially starting to find this to be true of ministries trying to reach 50 or more young adults and college students on a weekly basis.  You might be able to “under spend” this rule and still reach 30-50 young adults on a weekly basis while on the low end, or under of the scale.  But 50 seems to be a critical mass hurdle for many ministries.  You might find the ability to draw an attendance of 50 for an event or program, but that number will eventually slip back down into the 30s unless there is an infrastructure designed to carry more than 50.  In order to create sustainable ministry from 50-100 in attendance per week, it’s typical to “overspend” the attendance ratio and work past the top end of the scale.  Once reaching past the 100 mark on a regular basis, the number seems to right-size itself again and starts costing less per person to run the ministry.

Staffing is more of a fundamental rule of thumb when creating successful ministry to young adults.  As one of the Young Adult Pastors we interviewed said about his ministry, “one of the reasons this thing works is because they are paying me to do it.”  Having focused hours directed at reaching this demographic is very important.  It’s worth thinking about how your church can pay attention to that word, focused hours.  We’ve found that churches that staff this ministry by tacking it on to the hours for a youth director, a worship leader, or even an associate pastor have a limited return on their investment.

Working with Millennials is such a relational task, that whoever is leading the charge at your church needs to have the bandwidth to meet for coffee, go out after 9pm for a hangout as a group and flex their schedule around the changing lives of these young adults.  That’s much harder to do if your point leader already has another full-time job… especially at the church.

This doesn't always need to be a paid position; smaller churches may have a dedicated volunteer who runs a small group of college students and be very effective.

We’ve found that for every 1 full-time staff member (or it’s equivalent) a church’s ministry can reach about 100 Millennials through weekly worship, through programs or events or through relational connections.

Now there are some cautions about this number and I should add a qualifier.  For every 1 full-time equivalent of the right staff member.  The right leader makes a huge difference in seeing this ratio succeed, and I’ll talk about that later.

This ratio might work itself out in a few different ways.  You might have a full-time Director running a weekly program along with making relational connections to get to about 100 on a given week.

You might have a volunteer that spends about 15 hours a week running one small group and connecting relationally with around 20-25 Millennials.

The key is to have a dedicated and consistent presence aimed at reaching these Millennials and to resource them appropriately as their ministry succeeds.  “Staffing for growth” is an important factor with Millennials, especially early on when a program or ministry is growing.  Think intentionally about staying ahead of the curve by adding staffing support.  When a program is reaching 75 on a weekly basis, think about adding a part-time worship leader.  When your staff member is seeing 20 young people in their small group, think about paying them for a half-time position.  Think ahead about sustaining the growth that your ministry is seeing.

The Right Leader
As I mentioned above, having the right leader charged with reaching Millennials is important to see the 1:100 ratio thrive.  To be honest, that ratio is not always easy.  Many ministries find themselves at 1:50 or 1:75 and wonder why they aren’t getting the full reach out of their leader and it’s often because we didn’t take the time to find the right mix of gifts and abilities.  Don’t be mistaken – we love whatever volunteer that steps to the plate to help lead the charge, but that doesn’t mean we should let just anyone drive the bus.  Any leader of a ministry to the Millennial generation should have a good mix of, relational ability, team-building experience, coaching ability and, culturally relevant to the millennial generation.

Millennials have such a high need for relationships, that the point leader needs to instinctively speak this language.  Young people are looking for friends, looking for places of connection and looking for meaningful relationships.  If you put a leader in place that is focused more on getting tasks done or making sure all the questions in a Bible study get asked, you’ll find yourself struggling to meet a good staff-to-attendance ratio.  It’s very easy to hire a staff person to run a ministry to Millennials and find yourself with a small group or two of about 25-30 people.  There’s nothing wrong with a ministry that looks like that, but a relationally skilled leader would also be having coffee appointments and lunch meetings with another 20 people, thinking of creating gatherings at their home for another 40 people and making phone connections with another 10.  Find someone who is wired for relationships to lead this ministry.

You also need to find someone who capable of building teams.  A good relational leader can, and will, grow a ministry to the size that their relational tank can handle.  But a good team-builder can build a ministry that goes beyond their own personal relational abilities. 

Whether that means developing a core group of small group leaders, or a worship team, the right leader will multiply themselves into other volunteers and create a relational culture around everything they are doing.

While they are developing teams of leaders, the point-person will need to have some skill at coaching.  Young adults are busy making a lot of mistakes in their lives.  It’s the first time they are learning to do things like, manage their own lives, making major purchases, making romantic decisions and they are often doing these things away from support systems they had growing up.  The role of a leader in a ministry to Millennials will always involve some level of mentorship and coaching, it’s worth the time to find someone who can do this with some level of success.

Lastly, the right leader will be culturally relevant to Millennials.  Now that’s not to say they need to be the same age, or belong to the same circle as the Millennials we are trying to reach.  Yet, as a general rule, the more a leader can create common ground with Millennials, the more their likely to instinctively help meet the unique needs they are bringing to the table. 

Maybe you’ve met some of the same leaders in ministry that I have over the years, those who pride themselves on avoiding whatever technological trend is gaining momentum in the world.  You know these people.  They pride themselves on some piece of abstinence against a growing trend.  Whether they are luddites, too important, or just late adopters, these are the people that have scoffed at whatever you are interested in and said things like, “psh, facebook.  I turned off my facebook.”  Or “I hate cell phones and all this texting, I’m never going to get cell phone.”  This value for leaders in Millennial ministry isn’t about getting on a tech bandwagon, or casting judgment on those who avoid such things outright, but the reality is that the communication styles and needs of Millennials are so vastly different from previous generations, it’s ludicrous to turn up our nose and simply avoid the things that would reach the generation we’re leading just out of principle.  I can’t imagine a foreign missionary walking into a village in Africa and flat out refuse to learn the language of the tribe they were called to.

They don’t have to be hip, or cool, or even popular.  But whoever you select to help lead the charge for Millennials should be relevant enough to this generation that connection and communication with them comes easily and naturally.

Fishing Ponds
Finally, there’s an important factor that churches often fail to intentionally consider when drafting a ministry to Millennials and it has to do with local fishing ponds.  Where are the places one could find Millennials in your community?  Are you in a setting where a lot of young professionals are finding work?  Are you near large areas of apartment buildings?  Are their local colleges or universities within close proximity?  Answering these types of questions will help you determine the size of your fishing pond.

If you are in a suburban environment where every other home is owned by couples with young children and there is a playground or elementary school on every corner, you should expect that a ministry to Millennials in your community would remain very small.  Certainly there will be some of these people in your community, but your ability to market to, communicate with and draw in many of them will be difficult.

Evaluating your own church congregation as a fishing pond is an important factor here as well.  Do all of your high school graduates go other places for college or work after graduation?  If so, your millennial ministry might take vastly different shapes in the summer time, or on Christmas break than they do during the school year.

A good rule of thumb is to consider the need for at least one main fishing pond in order to have a thriving ministry to Millennials and the size of this pond will affect the size of your ministry.  If you have multiple ponds, then it’s also worth considering the multiple needs your ministry might try to meet.  If you have a small fishing pond of some members of your congregation that are young and isolated from each other, then your ministry might be as simple as equipping a volunteer to give Millennials opportunities to build friendships and engage in ministry together.

Each of these factors is measurable in someway, whether it’s adding up your total financial investment or doing behavioral interviews with candidates for leading your ministry.  Taking the time to develop a coherent understanding of your current investment in millennial ministry, your expectations for it’s success and your ability to invest in it for the future are important to defining success. 

In most churches, you won’t succeed in reaching Millennials by just paying attention to one of these factors.  There is a balance and interaction between all of them as they are interconnected.  But churches who pay attention to all of them and set their expectations accordingly find themselves further ahead in engaging the next generation.